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Round Rock draft action plan for disaster risks now available

Published on November 13, 2024 under RRnews

The City of Round Rock’s Emergency Management Division has released a draft version of its latest Hazard Mitigation Action Plan (HMAP) update.

The plan serves as a strategic guide to minimize threats to life and property in Round Rock from events such as floods, fires and storms. Hazard Mitigation Plans must be updated and approved by FEMA every five years to remain eligible for grant funds through FEMA’s hazard mitigation assistance program. An approved plan also earns application scoring points for a variety of other grant programs. 

The planning process, which was conducted by H2O Partners, Inc., included a study of existing conditions, three in-person public meetings and an online survey for the public to share their comments. The goal of the plan is to minimize or eliminate the long-term risk to human life and property from known hazards through effective mitigation.

The planning process, which was conducted by H2O Partners, Inc., included a study of existing conditions, three in-person public meetings and an online survey for the public to share their comments. The goal of the plan is to minimize or eliminate the long-term risk to human life and property from known hazards through effective mitigation.

The public is asked to comment on the draft plan by Wednesday, Nov. 27 by emailing [email protected].

The post Round Rock draft action plan for disaster risks now available appeared first on City of Round Rock.

Source: City of Round Rock
